Thursday, July 16th
I haven't found much time to come to the internet since Wednesday, so it took me some time to do the report from Thurdday, but finally: here it is.
We went to see the new Harry Potter on it's first day out. I really enjoyed it and think most of the students did aswell.
Personally, I think it has been one of the best Harry Potter films - so far.
In the evening we had the best evening activity so far, we had disco night. The motto was "Bad Taste" and we really enjoyed ourselves dancing and joking around until 10 pm.
Donnerstag, 16.Juli 2009
Gestern waren wir im Kino, wo wir uns Harry Potter und der Halbblutprinz angeschaut haben. Am Abend gab es noch eine Disco unter dem Motto "Bad Taste". Jeder hatte sehr viel Spasz. Zum Schluss mussten wir noch nach Hause gehen und wir fielen vor lauter Anstrengung ins Bett. Sofort schliefen wir ein.
by Claudia, Anna, Laura, Klara and Ulla
We went to see the new Harry Potter on it's first day out. I really enjoyed it and think most of the students did aswell.
Personally, I think it has been one of the best Harry Potter films - so far.
In the evening we had the best evening activity so far, we had disco night. The motto was "Bad Taste" and we really enjoyed ourselves dancing and joking around until 10 pm.

Donnerstag, 16.Juli 2009
Gestern waren wir im Kino, wo wir uns Harry Potter und der Halbblutprinz angeschaut haben. Am Abend gab es noch eine Disco unter dem Motto "Bad Taste". Jeder hatte sehr viel Spasz. Zum Schluss mussten wir noch nach Hause gehen und wir fielen vor lauter Anstrengung ins Bett. Sofort schliefen wir ein.
by Claudia, Anna, Laura, Klara and Ulla
shakahari - 19. Jul, 20:20