Monday July 13th
So, we have successfully spent our first "regular day" on the Abbotsholme campus and I have to say that it seemed like the participants were enjoying themselves.
I am happy that my group seems to be getting on with each other very well and a lot of them have also been able to bond with students from other countries already.
I asked the students to give me a short description of their day, so you will be able to read short entries from the children every day.
Yesterday we had a very nice evening activity, they called it mini olympics, I took some funny pictures and made some videos which I am trying to upload.
Apart from various meals to choose (which no one has been complaining about to me - so far), there is also a salad bar, yeah ;)
Afternoon activities
There is also a heated swimming pool on the school ground which some adventurous children dared to check out:
The afternoon activities are split into two sessions, so the children can pick two options every day:
Evening activities: mini olympics
Wir sind erst seit kurzer Zeit hier in der Abbotsholme School, aber wir haben schon viele Leute kennen gelernt und finden es toll mit Kindern aus anderen Laendern Zeit zu verbringen. Heute, am Tag nach der Ankunft, haben wir einen Test geschrieben, welcher nicht ganz so schlimm war, wie manch anderer dachte.
Nach dem heutigen Tag ist uns das Schulgebauede auch schon vertraut, was wir gestern noch nicht behaupten konnten. Wir freuen uns nun schon auf die weiteren Tage und den Unterricht, denn nach diesem Klasseneinfuehrungstest wissen wir nun auch in welchen Klassen wir sind und welche Lehrer wir haben.
Die restlichen Tage werden sicher auch toll
Luise, Anton and Paula
Today's diary entry was from Luise, Paula and Anton - thank you very much ;)
I am happy that my group seems to be getting on with each other very well and a lot of them have also been able to bond with students from other countries already.
I asked the students to give me a short description of their day, so you will be able to read short entries from the children every day.
Yesterday we had a very nice evening activity, they called it mini olympics, I took some funny pictures and made some videos which I am trying to upload.
Apart from various meals to choose (which no one has been complaining about to me - so far), there is also a salad bar, yeah ;)
Afternoon activities
There is also a heated swimming pool on the school ground which some adventurous children dared to check out:
The afternoon activities are split into two sessions, so the children can pick two options every day:
Evening activities: mini olympics
Wir sind erst seit kurzer Zeit hier in der Abbotsholme School, aber wir haben schon viele Leute kennen gelernt und finden es toll mit Kindern aus anderen Laendern Zeit zu verbringen. Heute, am Tag nach der Ankunft, haben wir einen Test geschrieben, welcher nicht ganz so schlimm war, wie manch anderer dachte.
Nach dem heutigen Tag ist uns das Schulgebauede auch schon vertraut, was wir gestern noch nicht behaupten konnten. Wir freuen uns nun schon auf die weiteren Tage und den Unterricht, denn nach diesem Klasseneinfuehrungstest wissen wir nun auch in welchen Klassen wir sind und welche Lehrer wir haben.
Die restlichen Tage werden sicher auch toll
Luise, Anton and Paula
Today's diary entry was from Luise, Paula and Anton - thank you very much ;)
shakahari - 14. Jul, 11:41